This is something that I worried about before I gave birth to my first child. How do I feed my baby in public without feeling self-conscious? A lot of first mums have this on their minds. But it all comes down to not worrying about what people think and concentrating on feeding your baby. Easier said than done, right?
There are many ways to make you feel comfortable in public. But the main thing is for your baby to have easy access to the breast to feed. Keep in mind, it’s best to get used to breastfeeding before you go out in public. Check out my blog for more tips on latching and breastfeeding positions.
If you have to go to appointments and check-ups, then obviously, you have no choice but to go. The check-up at the clinic was my first time breastfeeding in public. I was in the waiting area and I said to myself “what was I fussing about, it isn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
So here are some suggestions and tips that I used that make it much easier for me to breastfeed in public.
Wear a Maternity Bra / Nursing Bra
Maternity bras are so helpful when you are breastfeeding. This is because you can just clip the edge of the bra and take your breast out without pulling your bra down, making you feel uncomfortable. It is accessible and therefore avoids the long wait for your baby if he is hungry.
Once you have finished your feed, just clip on the bra and go onto the other side without any hassle. Most maternity bras are not wired but I’m sure you can get some wired ones. Also, they are not tight on the breast, they are comfortable.
If bras are too tight they can cause your breast to be engorged and this is something you want to avoid. Try to invest in good bras as you will be using them for a while. You can check out Cake Maternity’s Nursing bras they range from small chested to larger chested women. You can look at there range here.
Wear Easy Access Clothing
This is so important, if there is no access how will your baby feed? I will tell you a story. I was invited to a wedding and I borrowed a dress from my sister-in-law, this dress was a pencil dress from the neck down to the knee.
My daughter was 9 months, so I thought she would be fine, she wouldn’t need a feed. But as the wedding was long I tried to put her to sleep, but she didn’t want to, she became overtired. She was crying so much, and then I thought I better feed her, but how? I would have to take my whole dress off to do that! Ooops! I used my sister in laws car to feed her. Please please please avoid these scenarios! Haha.
If you don’t have any maternity clothing for nursing you can use your own. First, you need a top or t-shirt and then a vest underneath. So you pull the top up on the side you will feed your baby. Your vest will be showing now so pull it down underneath your bra. You should then have an opening so you can clip open your bra and then place your baby on the breast. You will notice that people won’t even tell you are feeding.
People have said to me well what if you have big breasts? It works in the same way, but if you are conscious, you can get maternity dresses or clothing for your size.
You could even wear dresses or tops with a v-neck, buttoned, low-cut, or wrapped style. So there are many options out there. I brought different-styled dresses with these options, and they have helped.
If you are looking for some nice affordable yet stylish maternity wear that it great for breastfeeding CLICK HERE.

You Don’t Need to Wear Discreet Clothing
Don’t feel that you need to wear discreet clothing and feel the need to cover up! Everyone is different in what they are okay with. Some moms don’t mind showing a bit of breast and are not bothered about what people think. So do what you are comfortable with, we all have own own opinions. But again, make sure that you have easy access to clothing. Like a v-neck, buttoned, low cut, wrapped style dresses or tops.
Breastfeeding / Nursing Covers
Breastfeeding covers are designed to cover your baby while feeding. The covers look like aprons, but you put the neck strap over your head and then it covers the whole area of where your baby feeds. This is another great way to breastfeed in public. Some people think it is too obvious and hiding your baby.
Others say it’s great especially if you have larger breasts and you want to be more discreet. Though it does cover the baby, it has a space between your neck and the cover so that there is enough ventilation. It’s also great for privacy for your baby.
I found the older the baby gets , the more distracted and easily stimulated they are. This at times can distract them from their feeding and they can look at what is going on around them. So I found that breastfeeding cover are great for these little moments. It doesn’t always have to be in public; it could be for when you have visitors around.
Even though you have a cover you need accessible clothing like a low-cut top or maternity clothing as it can get difficult if you are using it as a dressing room!
Practicing will build your confidence, the more you do it the more comfortable you will feel. Maybe ask a friend and go out for a coffee or walk in the park. These are some great opportunities for you to practice. The Spring and Summer months are great for getting outside. In the Autumn and Winter, you might want to stay inside but you could go to places like coffee shops or even go to a friend’s house. It all depends on how ready you are.
On occasions, I have heard of mums breastfeeding in toilet cubicles. I don’t recommend this as it isn’t hygienic. Imagine having your dinner in a toilet cubicle! Don’t worry about other people; they are probably not even watching you. What’s important is that your baby is getting fed, that is the main mission. There are family-friendly places that have a designated breastfeeding room, and I think that is awesome, but not every place has them, unfortunately.
If you can, try to go to places that are not too busy and try to avoid overcrowded areas as this can bring stress to you and your baby. If you can, try to find an area that is quiet with fewer people around.
So, keep going and don’t worry, just think about giving your baby their feed and don’t worry about what anyone else thinks.
You are doing great mama!
Love from Sheleen xoxo
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