The Best Colic Remedies for Breastfed Babies

Colic is not a pleasant experience for babies. It can be uncomfortable and distressing for them. So here I am sharing with you my experience and how I helped my babies come through their colic experience.

Note, that not every baby goes through colic. Some babies are more prone to getting it due to certain factors e.g. fast milk ejection from the mother, developing digestive system, and food sensitivities. There are other factors like over-stimulation but the former factors deal with babies’ digestion.

How can I tell that my baby has colic? Well, the main symptoms are: if your baby is crying a lot more than usual, they are hard to soothe, clench their fists, they bring their knees to their tummy or arch their back or they sound very windy. 

Colic isn’t your fault and don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s all about finding ways that you can help your baby to overcome this stage.

Fast Milk Ejection

Fast milk ejection is a common reason for colic in babies. This was my main reason, and all my babies got it. At the new born stage, they seemed to cope with the fast milk ejection but it was when their digestive system was starting to grow and develop that it caused some problems.

So what is a fast milk ejection? Well, it is the breast milk that comes out of the nipple too quickly for the baby to swallow. Sometimes this can cause babies to cough and come off the breast quicker, also they might go on the breast again and come off again. Doing, this causes the baby to have unwanted gas. Burping is recommended, but sometimes there might be some trapped wind that has been missed which can cause a colicky baby.

Food Sensitivities

Food sensitivities are another one. Some mums have decided to take certain foods out of their diet. Foods that cause gassiness like broccoli, cabbage and brussels sprouts. You can try you avoid these foods if you like, to see if it makes a difference. If not, it could be a little deeper like dairy or gluten.

It is advised to speak with your healthcare professional to go through the steps with you and your concerns. If you find that the baby is not keeping milk down and they are being sick or bringing up feeds, please get checked out! I know a friend of mine found out her baby had a food sensitivity to dairy so she cut out dairy for a whole year.

She was determined to give him the best milk. So don’t think that because your baby might not take your milk it doesn’t mean that your milk isn’t good enough. Just take little steps and you will see a great transformation.

Developing Digestive System

We all know that babies have developing immune systems and developing digestive systems and it could be just a phase their body is going through. Their body may be adapting to the change, they are growing every day. The two reasons above are linked to a developing digestive system.

Tips on Preventing Colic in Babies


Another tip is to try to pump a little bit of milk from the breast that has a fast milk ejection. So you can let some milk come out and collect it before you feed your baby and let some milk come out first before feeds. If you are looking for some milk collectors CLICK HERE and some great pumps that I recommend CLICK HERE

Wind After Feeds

When you have finished feeding your little one, always remember to wind your baby. Just gently pat them on the back over your shoulder. You can sit them on your lap, lean your baby slightly forward and rub and pat them on the back. Give it 5 minutes before you stop trying. Winding your baby often will help to get rid of any trapped wind they might have or even just to avoid them getting any trapped wind.

Use a Good Feeding Position

Choose a feeding position that will help your baby drink a little slower. This especially works if you have a fast flow. Side-lying or layback nursing positions can help regulate your flow a lot better, as gravity helps the flow to hold back a little while your baby is feeding. For more on how to do these positions please visit my BLOG HERE.

Use Gripe Water

Gripe water helped my little one with the trapped wind. It worked within 30 minutes. She might even give out a big burp! Gripe water uses ingredients of dill and sodium hydrogen carbonate and it just settles the stomach and gets rid of any unwanted bubbles that causes uncomfortableness. I used gripe water sometimes before a feed and sometimes after and it was the biggest help for getting rid of trapped wind. I didn’t need to use it that much as it come in a big bottle.

Tips on How to Soothe a Baby with Colic

Baby Wearing

Baby wearing is a great way to get a baby to settle, even for a teething baby. It calms the baby down as the baby is connecting with the mother or any other caregiver, giving them time to bond and feel secure. It is like a little calm-down space. Baby wearing or slings are great at calming an overstimulated and over-tired baby. If you don’t have a baby wear I really would recommend it.

Baby Massage

Giving your baby a massage can be so helpful, it takes any uncomfortable trapped wind away. It also has a calming effect on babies too. Have some music going on in the background that can make a baby feel a lot better and calmer. Tummy rubs can get rid of trapped wind in babies by doing the letters: l L U upside-down clockwise a few times. 

White Noise and Calming Music

This is just to settle your baby giving them that calm environment. You can use white noise that mimics the sound that they heard in mama’s womb. This makes the baby feel comfortable and sometimes a little sleepy. You can use the music while you are feeding, burping giving a massage etc just to make a more settled and calm atmosphere for your baby.

Use a Dummy or Pacifier

This can be another way to soothe your baby. Not all babies take to dummies, mine didn’t as he was so used to the breast, but if you can give it a try go for it. I’ve heard of many success stories.

Swaddle Your Baby

Swaddling your baby is another great way to soothe your baby. It generally works for newborns 0-3 months as the older they get the more they want to free themselves out of it. There are many tutorials out there that show you how to swaddle your baby. This may be a big game changer for you.

Fresh Air

Sometimes a little bit of fresh air can make a difference for you and your baby. Getting into nature can have a calming effect and stress relief. Also, it is great for getting your baby’s mind off the thing that they are stressed about.

To Conclude:

Remember that every baby is growing and developing their digestive system. So a colicky baby won’t last for a long time. Use the steps above to avoid as much gas as possible. These steps will calm your baby and you will see a difference in a quicker time.

If you notice that your baby is refusing your milk, seek a healthcare professional to find out if there are food sensitivities that your baby might not like.

Above all try to stay calm for your little one as they are looking to you for their comfort. Get extra help if you need a break.

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